Monthly equity and debt indices for investors in private infrastructure
infraMetrics equity indices include the widely used infra300® and infra100™ index families, as well as several other thematic and geographic indices:
infra300: a representative set of infrastructure 300 equity investments in two dozen countries, going back 20 years. the most representative and widely used unlisted infrastructure equity index in the world. The infraDebt300 index tracks the performance of the 300+ debt instruments of the same universe and is also computed monthly and reviewed annually.
infra100: a larger family of thematic indices capturing the performance of the hundreds largest investments in a given segment. Likewise, infraDebt100 indices track the performance of the 100 largest borrowers in 25 markets. The infra100 family includes the infra100 Core and infra100 Core+ indices, infra100 Project Finance, infra100 Eurozone, etc.
infraGreen: the infraGreen index family covers both equity and debt investments in solar and wind projects worldwide and provides an unique view the performance of the renewable energy sector. the infraGreen equity index tracks 100 investment and goes back 10 years.
Other thematic and geographic indices include the InfraAmericas, InfraAsiaPac and infraNorthenEurope equity indices, the infraLongTerm Debt index.
Index data includes index values and returns, constituents, TICCS® allocations, performance and analytics and is available monthly for all indices.
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Essential valuation and risk metrics to invest better in infrastructure
infraMetrics provides its users with quarterly-updated market valuation metrics for hundreds of segments and strategies of the unlisted infrastructure universe, including:
Cost of capital: WACC, Cost of Equity and Cost of Debt
DCF metrics: impact of changes in future dividends, premia and rates on asset NAVs
Credit spreads and yields: IG, floating and fixed rate senior debt
Cash flow metrics: Revenue growth, dividend payouts, etc.
Analytics also include fundamental risk drivers and extreme risk metrics of the key segments of the infrastructure universe, risk factor exposures and premia, credit risk, macro factor exposures and more.
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The most robust fund quartiles and analytics
The infraMetrics Fund Strategy Analyser (iFSA) produces the metrics that would be reported if thousands of funds existed in the market and faithfully reported their performance data in each segment and each vintage, every quarter.
Benchmark fund strategies to a representative set of investments, markets and vintages. Using the power of EDHECinfra data, visualise the range of realised and expected returns for a well-defined universe of funds, select fees, horizons etc
The data is updated quarterly and includes multiple fee scenarios with different levels of management fees, carry and hurdle rate and more than 100 strategies including Global Core or Core+, Europe Contract Project, etc.
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Peer group benchmarks for a better understanding of infrastructure investments styles and strategies
Comparable performance of key peer groups of investors active in the unlisted infrastructure space.
Using pooled portfolio of actual holdings by investors, compare the strategies, risk and alpha of pension plans, insurers, asset managers etc.
infraMetrics includes sixteen infrastructure investors peer group benchmarks built from the portfolio allocations through 2021 of 359 infrastructure equity holders and documented their TICCSexposures or tilts.
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