Unlisted infrastructure market indices

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30 key market indices & style benchmarks

infraMetrics equity and debt indices include the widely used infra300® and infra100™ index families, as well as several other thematic and geographic indices including infraGreen, Core+ 100, etc.

Data updated monthly on the 10th working day of each month.

trusted by sophisticated investors and consultants

infraMetrics Unlisted Infrastructure Equity Indices

The infra300® and infra100™ index families are available in all major currencies, as well as local currency and hedged returns, and using either capitalisation or equal weights. All indices are updated monthly, expect the free quarterly version of the infra300 which is also available via Bloomberg.

Equity index Name Description Constituents Countries Sectors Approx. market cap* Start date
infra300® The infra300® index is an equally weighted index designed to match the TICCS® allocations of the global unlisted infrastructure equity investment universe. It is designed to trackthe structure of global infrastructure market by business model, industrial activity and corporare structure. 300 20 27 USD c.250bn March 31, 2000
infra100™ series The infra100 index series represents the performance of the largest 100 unlisted infrastructure companies in different segments of the global unlisted infarstructure universe, which includes the 25 most active private infrastructure markets in the world. Indices are available in local and international currencies, as a value weighted** or equally index and rebalanced annually.
infra100 Global  The infra100 Global equity index represents the performance of the largest 100 unlisted infrastructure companies in the global unlisted infarstructure equity universe.  100 16 21 USD c.200bn March 31, 2005
infra100 Europe  The infra100 Europe equity index represents the performance of the largest 100 unlisted infrastructure companies in Europe, including the UK.  100 11 19 USD c.190bn March 31, 2005
Infra100 Eurozone  The infra100 Eurozone equity index represents the performance of the largest 100 unlisted infrastructure companies in the Eurozone. 100 11 21 USD c.110bn March 31, 2005
infra100 United Kingdom The infra100 United Kingdom equity index represents the performance of the largest 100 unlisted infrastructure companies in the United Kingdom. 100 1 19 USD c.100bn March 31, 2005
infra100 Project finance The infra100 Project Finance equity index represents the performance of the largest 100 unlisted infrastructureProject Finance SPV investments globally. 100 16 21 USD c.55bn March 31, 2005
infra100 Energy The infra100 Energy equity index represents the performance of the largest 100 unlisted infrastructure companies in the energy sector, including renewables, globally. 100 17 7 USD c.50bn March 31, 2009
infra100 Core The infra100 Core equity index represents the performance of the largest 100 unlisted infrastructure companies in the Core✦ segment of the global unlisted infrastructure market. 100 14 17 USD c.100bn March 31, 2011
infra200 Core The infra200 Core equity index represents the performance of the largest 200 unlisted infrastructure companies in the Core✦ segment of the global unlisted infrastructure market. 200 17 23 USD c.120bn March 31, 2011
infra100 Core+  The infra100 Core+ equity index represents the performance of the largest 100 unlisted infrastructure companies in the Core+ segment of the global unlisted infrastructure market. 100 16 22 USD c.120bn March 31, 2011
infra100 Opportunistic  The infra100 Opportunistic equity index represents the performance of the largest 100 unlisted infrastructure companies in the Opportunistic segment of the global unlisted infrastructure market. 100 17 23 USD c.55bn March 31, 2011
infra100 Midmarket  The infra100 Midmarket equity index represents the performance of the largest 100 unlisted infrastructure companies in the Midmarket☥ segment of the global unlisted infrastructure market. 100 17 26 USD c.30bn March 31, 2011
Other Thematic indices
infraAustralia The infraAustralia equity index represents the performance of 30 of the largest  unlisted infrastructure companies in Australia. 30 1 13 USD c.38bn March 31, 2008
infraGreen™ The infraGreen index represents the performance of 100 wind (onshore and off-shore) and solar projects in the global universe. 100 12 2 USD c.15bn December 31, 2006
infraNorthenEurope The infraNorthenEurope equity index represents the performance of 30 of the largest unlisted infrastructure companies in northern European countries, including Germany. 30 5 14 USD 26bn March 31, 2011
infraAsiaPac The infraAsiaPac equity index represents the performance of 30 of the largest unlisted infrastructure companies in Asia Pacific countries, including Australia. 30 3 14 USD c.40bn March 31, 2005
infraAmericas The infraAmericas equity index represents the performance of 30 of the largest unlisted infrastructure companies in the Americas, including the United States. 30 4 9 USD c.9bn March 31, 2013

Index details & analytics

Detailed individual data is available for each index.


Full list of constituents

No index blackbox

Full time series of TICCS®, country and currency allocations

Clarity and transparency about index exposures. 

Risk and return analytics

Income and capital returns, drawdown and value-at-risk, volatility and Sharpe ratio computations

infraMetrics Unlisted Infrastructure Debt Indices

The infraDebt300™ and infraDebt100™ indices are available in all major currencies, as well as local currency and hedged returns, and using either capitalisation or equal weights. All indices are updated monthly.

Debt indices Description Instruments Countries Sectors Market Cap* Start date Factsheet
infraDebt300™ The infraDebt300 index represents the performance of the most recent senior debt instruments issued by the constituents of the infra300® unlisted infrastructure equity index.  370 18 25 USD c.100bn March 31, 2005
infraDebt100™ series The infra100 index series represents the performance of the latest largest 100 instruments issued by unlisted infrastructure borrowers ranked by total senior borrowing by value, in different segments of the global unlisted infarstructure universe, which includes the 25 most active private infrastructure markets in the world. Indices are available in local and international currencies, as a value weighted** or equally index and rebalanced annually.
infraDebt100 - Global The infraDebt100 Global index represents the performance of the 100 latest senior debt instruments issued by private infrastructure companies ranked by total senior borrowing by value, globally.  100 9 15 USD c.55bn March 31, 2005
InfraDebt100 - Europe The infraDebt100 Europe index represents the performance of the 100 latest senior debt instruments issued by private infrastructure companies in Europe, including the UK, ranked by total senior borrowing by value.  100 9 14 USD c.55bn March 31, 2005
InfraDebt100 - Eurozone  The infraDebt100 Eurozone index represents the performance of the 100 latest senior debt instruments issued by private infrastructure companies in the Eurozone, ranked by total senior borrowing by value.  100 10 16 USD c.45bn March 31, 2005
InfraDebt100 - United Kingdom The infraDebt100 United Kingdom index represents the performance of the 100 latest senior debt instruments issued by private infrastructure companies in the UK, ranked by total senior borrowing by value.  100 1 17 USD c.35bn March 31, 2005
infraDebt100 – EUR-denominated The infraDebt100 EUR-denominated index represents the performance of the 100 latest Euro-denomiated senior debt instruments issued by private infrastructure ranked by total senior borrowing by value, globally.  100 9 14 USD c.55bn March 31, 2005
infraDebt100 – GBP-denominated The infraDebt100 GBR-denominated index represents the performance of the 100 latest Pound Sterling-denomiated senior debt instruments issued by private infrastructure ranked by total senior borrowing by value, globally.  100 2 17 USD c.35bn March 31, 2005
infraDebt100 – Project Finance  The infraDebt100 Project Finance index represents the performance of the 100 latest senior debt instruments issued by project finance SPVs ranked by total senior borrowing by value, globally.  100 15 16 USD c.50bn March 31, 2005
Other regional debt indices
infraDebtAustralia The infraDebt Australia index represents the performance of the 30 latest senior debt instruments issued by private infrastructure companies in Australia, ranked by total senior borrowing by value.  30 1 9 USD c.15bn March 31, 2010
Other thematic debt indices
infraLongTermDebt The infraLongTermDebt index represents the performance of the 50 latest senior debt instruments issued by private infrastructure companies ranked by average weighted life, globally.  50 6 12 USD c.30bn March 31, 2005
infraGreenDebt The infraGreenDebt index represents the performance of the 30 latest senior debt instruments issued by private infrastructure companies in the wind and solar sectors, ranked by total senior borrowing by value, globally.  30 8 2 USDc.5bn March 31, 2005

Index Documentation

infraMetrics index calculation and construction methodologies are available here.

Index Governance & Policies

infraMetrics indices are governed by state-of-the-art rules and committees in accordance with IOSCO principles and guidance.

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