Benchmarking Private Market Performance

From Alpha to Market Beta in Private Market Funds Investors in private asset funds, such as private equity and private infrastructure funds, aim to select top-performing fund managers. However, by definition, only 25% of funds can be in the top quartile, leaving most investors (Limited Partners, or LPs) with lower-performing funds. Measuring outperformance is crucial for LPs when selecting new …

Bridge to Alpha: Why Private Equity’s Value Bridge Falls Short…

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Private Equity Valuations: The Calm Before the Next Surge?

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Unlock ICS Compliance with infraMetrics and privateMetrics

The adoption of the Insurance Capital Standard (ICS) by IAIS establishes a new global framework for capital adequacy, providing a risk-sensitive approach to enhance financial stability for Internationally Active Insurance Groups (IAIGs). How infraMetrics and privateMetrics Support ICS Compliance: Market-Aligned Valuation: These platforms provide timely, market-driven data that meets ICS’s Market-Adjusted Valuation (MAV) requirements, ensuring accurate and consistent reporting. Tailored …

How Did the Private Equities Market Perform this September?

Comparing the private2000® Index with the Manufacturing Sector The private2000® index, representing a sample of private company investments across 30 countries, achieved a 0.72% return in September 2024, 4.45% YTD, and an 8.85% annualised return over the past 12 months. Here, we compare it with the PECCS Manufacturing sector (Code: AC06), which has underperformed with a 0.53% monthly return and …