Our analyses covering private equities, private infrastructure and infra debt markets.
Featured image for “Buy, Sell or Hold? Is Private Equity Cheaper Now?”

Buy, Sell or Hold? Is Private Equity Cheaper Now?

Oct. 31, 2024
Higher interest rates, a sluggish exit environment, reduced distributions, and extended fundraising periods have created a challenging backdrop for private equity valuations. These factors have contributed to putting downward pressure on valuations. Despite the headwinds facing private equity valuations, the current market presents compelling opportunities for discerning investors who can leverage granular data to identify undervalued assets. In a new...
Featured image for “How Risky is Private Equity? The Case of Manufacturing and Natural Resources Sectors in Europe”

How Risky is Private Equity? The Case of Manufacturing and Natural Resources Sectors in Europe

Oct. 10, 2024
Private equity investments offer high returns in exchange for taking a certain level of risk. These risks result first and foremost in considerable return dispersion and sometimes, despite the long-term investment horizon, in exits in less favourable conditions than anticipated by investors. Private companies can also go bankrupt, but they are more likely to do so in certain segments of...
Featured image for “privateMetrics® Asset Valuation Methodology”

privateMetrics® Asset Valuation Methodology

Oct. 04, 2024
The privateMetrics asset pricing model enables the fair market value of unlisted private equity investments to be estimated in a robust and dynamic manner. It solves the twin problems in private markets of smoothed reported NAVs, that are not convincingly marked-to-market or capture risk, and of the absence of a sufficient number of observable transaction prices. ...
Featured image for “Measuring and tracking the alpha of private market funds”

Measuring and tracking the alpha of private market funds

Sep. 19, 2024
Scientific Infra & Private Assets is pleased to present an approach using privateMetrics® data to measure and track the alpha of private market funds, allowing robust and representative fund selection and monitoring. infraMetrics® & privateMetrics® provide access to hundreds of benchmarks across the infrastructure and private equity asset classes, enabling investors to create the most representative benchmark for the fund...
Featured image for “The Valuation of Private Companies: Asset Valuation and the Dynamics of Private Markets”

The Valuation of Private Companies: Asset Valuation and the Dynamics of Private Markets

Jan. 05, 2024
This paper proposes a factor model based solution that, when calibrated with transaction data and novel risk factors, can transform sparse, noisy, and biased transaction data into meaningful information that aids asset allocation, benchmarking, and monitoring of private investments....