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The latest report from Scientific Infra & Private Assets, “Are Private Equities Riskier than Stocks?”, finds that private equities, as represented by the private2000 index, have a ten-year volatility of returns and extreme risk profile that are commensurate with that of listed equities, but that the maximum drawdown of public equities is consistently higher than that of private equities. . . .
As the only data provider offering monthly data releases for investors in private infrastructure, we are pleased to announce that the latest update for December 2024 is now live, featuring our infraMetrics Equity and Debt Indices and Comparables. . . .
The November 2024 monthly data release is now available for the privateMetrics Market Indices that deliver reliable insights into the risk and returns of private equity investments at the asset level, and privateMetrics Comparables, advanced comparables inputs for private equity investments that mitigate the issues of small transaction samples and stale Net Asset Values (NAVs). . . .
The private2000® index, which tracks the monthly performance of 2,000 private companies across 30 key markets, generated a robust 4.20% return for Q3 2024, marking a rebound from the previous quarter and bringing the year-to-date return to 4.45%. . . .
The infra300® index, which tracks the monthly returns of 300 unlisted infrastructure companies worldwide, saw a 5.59% total return in Q3, with the Transport and Renewable sectors being the primary drivers. . . .
The infraGreen index, which accurately reflects the performance of unlisted companies in the renewable energy sector, recorded a 5.03% total return in Q3, driven by interest rate cuts and a lower equity risk premium, leading to higher valuations. . . .
Private Equity EBITDA Multiples (unadjusted) by Segment and Region
privateMetrics® Market Indices
Since 2019, Scientific Infra & Private Assets has transformed research from the EDHEC Infrastructure and Private Research Institute into a leading index and data provider, serving elite clients who manage hundreds of billions of dollars in private equity and infrastructure assets. Our core offering addresses a critical challenge in private markets: the pervasive shortage of risk and performance data that hinders best practices and clouds investment decisions.
Trusted by sophisticated investors around the world since 2019
Distributed by Scientific Infra & Private Assets
Asset-level private infrastructure investment metrics across 20+ markets by sector, business risk and corporate structure peer groups, with the TICCS® classification.
Market Indices & Benchmarks
9,200+ assets identified in 27 countries
800+ assets tracked and evaluated
infra300® equity and debt indices
infra100® index series
infraGreen index family
infra100 Core and Core+ indices
infra mid-market index
23 ESMA-registered indices 650+ TICCS® segment indices 20 years of track record 60+ index analytics included
Infrastructure Asset Valuation
Income Method Anchoring
Cost of capital and risk premia
Cash flow benchmarks
Market Method Anchoring
EV/Ebitda, Price to Sales
Yields and duration
Credit spreads
Customizable comps: 400+ segments
Monthly updates
Comps Builder in Excel, Python, R
40+ valuation metrics available
Asset-level private equity investment metrics across 100+ markets, by activity, customer model, revenue model, lifecycle and value chain with the PECCS® classification.
Market Indices & Benchmarks
2,000-asset index universe
private2000 index
privateUSA Equity index
privateEurope Equity index
privateAsia Equity index
65 other thematic indices
10 years of track record
1,000+ PECCS® segment indices
40+ index analytics included
Private Equity Valuation
1.3M assets tracked
50M prices computed
EV/Ebitda, Price to Sales
Revenue growth metrics
Net Income-to-Sales
Payout ratios
Risk factor exposures
Comps available for 1,000+ segments
Monthly updates
Comps Builder in Excel, Python, R
40+ valuation inputs available
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Our Research
R&D of the EDHEC Infrastructure & Private Asset Research Institute
Since 2016, the EDHEC Infrastructure & Private Assets Research Institute has been producing research on private asset pricing, risk management, credit risk and climate risk measurement. While some of this research has now been industrialised and is distributed by our corporate arm, Scientific Infra & Private Assets, we continue to develop new applied research in the field of investment and private markets, with a focus on machine learning and language processing.