PRESS RELEASE: Quarterly infra300 index to be discontinued from 30th June 2023


PRESS RELEASE: Quarterly infra300 index to be discontinued from 30th June 2023

 Jun 2023

Please note that with effect from June 30, 2023, the infra300 quarterly index will be permanently discontinued. The last infraMetrics data release for the quarterly infra300 index has been published on April 24th 2023. There will be no subsequent publication for the second quarter.

The monthly infra300 index, which reflects the same methodology and published on a monthly basis, will continue to be produced and made available through the Market Indices application on the infraMetrics platform.

Similarly going forwards, all infraMetrics indices, are to be released on a monthly basis to improve the quality of the data available to investors and their ability to compare it with other asset classes on a like-for-like basis, including in terms of risk.

This move proceeds from an earlier announcement in Q3 2022 that Scientific Infra Pte. Ltd. has registered selected indices with the European Securities and Markets Association (ESMA) and is now a third-country benchmark administrator in accordance with Article 32 of the EU BMR.

Subsequently, following a series of consultations with the industry, we have come to the conclusion that this is an essential step, as we move to being recognized as the key provider of pricing data in the unlisted infrastructure universe, and ensures our clients of the robustness and high-calibre of our products.

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact Michelle Ho, Director of Investor Outreach.