privateMetrics users can access and integrate any of our data programmatically using the R programming language. This allows building different kind of in-house applications that integrate market indices and benchmarks, market price comparables and more.
privateMetrics API integration
Access all privateMetrics data programmatically and build your own applications for private market investing and reporting
Index Catalogue
Browse our catalogue of hundreds of private equity, infrastructure and infra debt indices, inc. market indices like the infra300 and private2000, and thematic indices representing specific market segments.
Query the PECCS® and TICCS® taxonomies used to create the privateMetrics universe. Access class codes, names and definitions to build your own index and comps customisations applications.
Index Data
Access a comprehensive set of performance and risk metrics for hundreds of private equity, infrastructure and infra debt indices tracking numerous geographies and segments.
Custom Benchmarks
Build custom benchmarks setting target weights by PECCS, TICCS, style and geography that align with your strategy. All index metrics are recalculated for you.
Custom Comps
Create customised comp sets using PECCS® and TICCS® segments, geography and systematic risk profiles. Get metrics like discounts rates and EBITDA multiples.
Yield Curves

Install our R package
An R package for interacting with the SIPA Metrics API to fetch metrics and other relevant data. This package simplifies integration by providing an easy-to-use interface for developers.

The largest private asset dataset in the world.
We add new data to privateMetrics monthly, going back 10 to 20 years. That's a lot of data to access via our API.
Index Data Available
Private Equities | Private Infra | Infra Debt | |
Datapoints | 5.7M | 67M | 52M |
Indices | 1,336 | 6,100 | 3,319 |
Metrics | 35 | 55 | 103 |
Inception Date | Mar 2013 | Mar 2000 | Mar 2000 |
Frequency | Monthly | Monthly | Monthly |
Comparables Builder
Private Equities | Private Infra | Infra Debt | |
Factors | 6 | 5 | 2 |
Metrics | 15 | 7 | 2 |
Dataset* | 1.2M | 814 | |
History | 11 Years | 25 years | 25 years |
Frequency | Monthly | Monthly | Monthly |
* Individual private companies