You will find some key terms we like to use defined below. If you cannot find what you are looking for contact
Capital expenditures as a percentage of total assets, measuring investment intensity
CFADS (Cash Flow Available for Debt Service)
The cash flow remaining after covering operating expenses and capital expenditures, used to meet debt obligations within a year, including principal and interest payments
Core Plus Segment
Comprises companies with expected returns exceeding the median but falling below the third quartile (75th percentile) of the EDHECinfra universe
Core Segment
Consists of companies with expected returns below the median of the EDHECinfra universe
Cost of Debt
The investor’s required return for holding a senior debt investment, equivalent to the yield to maturity
Cost of Equity
The return an investor expects for holding equity, also known as the expected return or equity discount rate
Credit Spread
The difference between a debt instrument’s yield to maturity and the risk-free rate of a comparable maturity instrument
Discount Rate
The rate used to calculate the present value of future cash flows in discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis
Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)
A valuation model that forecasts future cash flows and discounts them to their present value to determine a company’s worth
Discounted Cash Flow Components
Analysis isolating the impact of individual DCF components (cash flows, risk premia, interest rates)
Dividend Growth
The year-over-year change in dividends paid to equity investors
The ratio of dividends to cash flow available for debt service
The proportion of free cash flow to equity (FCFE) paid out as dividends, also known as the free cash flow payout ratio
Dividends as a percentage of total revenue, indicating the portion of revenue returned to equity investors
The modified duration of an infrastructure segment based on underlying companies’ cash flows and discount rates
EBIT Margin
Operating income as a percentage of revenue, measuring core business profitability
EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization)
A measure of a company’s financial performance, reflecting earnings before the deduction of interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization
Effective Number of TICCS
A metric measuring diversification within an infrastructure segment
Equity Risk Premium
The excess return expected from an equity investment over the risk-free rate
EV (Enterprise Value)
A measure of a company’s economic value, often used in acquisitions, calculated as market capitalization plus debt, minus cash
A valuation multiple comparing enterprise value to EBITDA, useful for comparing companies within an industry
FCFE (Free Cash Flow to Equity)
The cash flow available to equity holders after all expenses and debt obligations are met
Fixed-Rate Debt
Debt with a fixed interest rate throughout its term
Floating-Rate Debt
Debt with a variable interest rate that adjusts periodically based on a benchmark rate
Inflation-Linked Debt
Debt with interest and principal payments linked to an inflation index
Investment Factor
Capital expenditures divided by total assets, used in asset pricing models
Investment-Grade Debt
Debt with a low default risk (probability below 05%)
Max Drawdown (MDD)
The maximum loss from peak to trough before reaching a new peak, indicating downside risk
The middle segment of the market based on market capitalization (between the 33rd and 66th percentiles) in the EDHECinfra universe
Model Residuals
The differences between observed and estimated values in a regression model, ideally following a normal distribution
Net Debt/Equity
(Total debt minus cash) divided by shareholder equity, measuring leverage adjusted for cash
Net Profit Margin
Net income as a percentage of revenue
Net operating income (revenue minus operating expenses) as a percentage of total assets
Opportunistic Segment
Companies with expected returns above the third quartile (75th percentile) of the EDHECinfra universe
P/B (Price-to-Book)
A ratio comparing market value to book value of equity, reflecting investor sentiment
P/S (Price-to-Sales)
Market capitalization divided by annual revenue, showing the market’s valuation of each dollar of sales
Price Accuracy
The degree of correspondence between estimated prices and actual secondary market transactions
Profitability Factor
Return on assets before tax, used in asset pricing models
Cut points dividing a probability distribution into intervals with equal probabilities
Representative Data (or Benchmark)
“Representative” means that the data “accurately reflects the characteristics, distributions, and patterns of the entire population from which it is drawn.”
The opposite of “representative data” is “biased data” or “non-representative data.” This type of data does not accurately reflect the characteristics, distributions, and patterns of the entire population from which it is drawn, leading to skewed or invalid conclusions.
Revenue Growth
Annual changes in revenues of underlying companies
Risk-Free Rate
The return on an investment with zero risk, typically estimated using government bond yields
RoA (Return on Assets)
Net income divided by total assets
Robust means that the data “remains reliable, accurate, and valid under a wide range of conditions and assumptions. It is characterized by its ability to withstand and provide consistent results despite potential variations, errors, or uncertainties in the data collection process.”
The opposite of “robust data” is “fragile data” or “non-robust data.” This type of data is susceptible to inaccuracies, inconsistencies, and biases, making it unreliable and potentially misleading for analysis and decision-making.
ROCE (Return on Capital Employed)
Operating profit divided by capital employed, measuring profitability and capital efficiency
ROE (Return on Equity)
Net income divided by shareholder equity
ROIC (Return on Invested Capital)
Net operating profit after tax divided by invested capital
Serial Correlation
The relationship between a variable and its lagged values, potentially indicating risk underestimation in time series data
Size Factor
Total assets of companies in a segment, used as a risk factor in asset pricing models
Systematic Risk Profile
A Systematic Risk Profile is a combination of risk factors found at the asset level that define the exposure (beta) to common sources of risk (and therefore of market price level) of investments in infrastructure or private equity, such as size, leverage or profits.
When building comparables, taking the Systematic (factor) Risk Profile of the asset into account ensures a genuinely comparable metric, which is never available by looking at raw data since recent transactions or public comps almost never represent the same risk exposures as the asset or portfolio of interest.
Term Spread Factor
The difference between long-term and short-term interest rates, used in asset pricing models
A TICCS/PECCS Profile is simply a combination of TICCS or PECCS pillars corresponding to given asset, portfolio or strategy. For example, Contracted Project Financed Roads correspond to a TICCS Profile (BR01-CS01-IC6050). Building a TICCS or PECCS Profile is a first step towards using infraMetrics or privateMetrics in a customized manner. The notion of TICCS or PECCS profile is used repeatedly in our documentation and use cases.
Using TICCS or PECCS is a first recognition of the systematic nature of markets: asset that are more alike (within segments) share a common price driver and vice versa i.e., TICCS or PECCS discriminate between different market price levels.
Valuation Ratios
Ratios relating market value to financial metrics (eg, P/E, P/B), used to assess investment potential
VaR (Value at Risk)
A risk measure indicating the potential loss with a given probability over a specified time horizon
WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital)
The average cost of a company’s financing, calculated as the weighted average of debt and equity costs
The annual return on a debt instrument held to maturity, also the discount rate for future payments